青州市DHL国际快递公司 潍坊青州市DHL快递电话 全球空运 DHL全球贸易晴雨表预测,未来三个月全球贸易增长将继续加速。与上一次发布的 3 月份相比,整体 GTB 指数上升了一个点,目前为 67点。根据 GTB 方法,指数值高于 50表示正增长预测。这一增长值得注意,因为全球贸易晴雨表所依据的数据显示,当前国际贸易争端的增加没有影响。整体指数的上升主要是由于集装箱海运的小幅上涨,目前已经达到了64 点的指数值。全球航空贸易指数维持在 70 点不变。
全球供应链面临着广泛的风险,例如自然灾害、网络攻击和快速变化的监管环境。DHL 的 Resilience360平台为企业提供了通过庞大的 DHL 情报网络以近乎实时的全球可见性快速预测、和降低供应链中断风险的工具。
At the 5th Annual Risk & Resilience Conference, DHL introduceshow the latest features built in the Resilience360 platform areweaving AI capabilities throughout the tool and paving the way forglobal organizations to proactively manage supply chain risks.Using classification engines and collaborative filtering,Resilience360 is able to apply the algorithms to the IncidentMonitoring module which forms the basis of the tool. AI will helpto analyze millions of risk intelligence date sources daily andapply user behavior learnings to determine the relevancy of futuredisruptions, therefore improving the self-learning capabilities ofthe tool.
"Modern businesses must navigate increasingly complex andvolatile supply chains through a larger number of disruptionscaused by climate change and trade wars," explains Tobias Larsson,Founder and CEO of Resilience360. "However, thanks to innovativetechnologies such as predictive analytics and machine learningalgorithms, we are in a position to identify and manage risk likenever before. By continuously enhancing the Resilience360platformwith additional capabilities, it has grown rapidly over the lastcouple of years and now has over 13,000 users world-wide.”