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- 山东乐斌环保科技有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第7年主体名称:山东乐斌环保科技有限公司组织机构代码:91370724MA3NFM9100
- 报价
- 人民币¥6600.00元每套
- 品牌
- 乐斌环保
- 型号
- LB400
- 产地
- 山东潍坊
- 关键词
- 小型牙科污水处理设备
- 所在地
- 临朐县安家河工业园
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- 0536-3468518
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1 医院污水特性
In addition to organic pollutants, the sewage discharged by generalhospitals also contains some special pollutants such as medicines,disinfectants, diagnostic reagents and radioactive agents; heavymetals such as chromium and mercury; especially the sewagedischarged by laundries and inpatient departments, which contains alarge number of parasitic eggs, pathogens, viruses and otherpathogenic microorganisms. The quality and quantity of hospitalsewage vary greatly, and its components are complex. The pollutantssuch as BOD, COD, SS, NH3-N and E. coli are relatively high. Theyare dangerous wastes with potential and direct pathogenic hazards.Hospital sewage must be treated locally.
The purpose of conventional pretreatment is mainly to remove thefloating matter and suspended matter in sewage and createconditions for subsequent treatment. The main equipment andstructures of conventional pretreatment are grille, regulatingtank, sand settling tank, sedimentation tank, etc. The grid canremove the larger particulate matter and floating solids in thewater; the function of the regulating pool is to adjust theunstable sewage flow and to equalize the sewage quality; thesedimentation pool can remove inorganic sand particles withparticle size over 0.2 mm; and the sedimentation pool can removemost suspended particles in the sewage, mainly organic particles.When the concentration of suspended solids in sewage is low, theremoval efficiency is not obvious or the suspended solids arecolloidal and difficult to remove, the effect of pretreatment canbe enhanced by coagulation, sedimentation andpre-filtration.
1) Sewage, grille and regulating tank enter secondarytreatment.
2) Sewage, grille, sedimentation tank and sedimentation tankenter secondary treatment.
3) Sewage, grille, sedimentation tank and coagulationsedimentation tank enter secondary treatment.
In general, the requirement of sediment separation for hospitalsewage is not very high, but the amount of water varies greatly.Flow 1 can be used for conventional pretreatment. Flow 2 can beused when the amount of sewage water is relatively stable and theseparation requirements for inorganic sand and organic suspendedsolids are relatively high. Flow 3 can be used when theconcentration of suspended solids in sewage is low or the suspendedsolids are colloidal and difficult to remove. Disinfectants canplay an effective role in the follow-up treatment.
Because the hospitalhas some special working conditions, such as laboratory, radiationroom, pharmacy, etc., special sewage will be discharged, such assewage containing heavy metals, radioactive sewage, printing sewageand oily sewage. Heavy metal sewage comes from dental treatment andlaboratory tests, which contains harmful substances such as mercuryand chromium, which can be treated by chemical precipitation or ionexchange method; radioactive sewage comes from isotope treatmentand diagnosis, which can be treated by decay tank; printing sewagecomes from photo printing, which contains harmful substances suchas silver, developer and fixing agent. Silver-containing wastewatercan be electrolyzed to recover silver, and developer and fixingagent can be used. Chemical oxidation process; oily sewage comesfrom kitchens and canteens. Oil isolation method should be used topretreat it first.
Because the concentration of pollutants in hospital sewage isgenerally lower than that in domestic sewage and often higher thanthe secondary discharge standard, if secondary biological treatmentis used, the investment cost is higher. Therefore, some intensified~stage pretreatment processes or so-called primary andsemi-pretreatment processes can also be properly selected inhospital sewage treatment process according to the treatmentrequirements. The first-and-a-half pretreatment process includesthe chemical treatment process with appropriate coagulant, which ispretreated by pre-filtration or simple biological treatment withoutthe need for a complete second-stage biological treatmentprocess.
2.2 secondary treatment
Secondary treatment of hospital sewage mainly refers tobiological treatment. Its purpose is to remove dissolved andcolloidal organic pollutants in sewage. Biological treatment is theuse of microbial metabolism process to transform organic matterinto simple inorganic matter in sewage, to achieve harmless.Biological treatment can be divided into aerobic biologicaltreatment, anaerobic biological treatment and facultativebiological treatment. Among them, aerobic biological treatment is acommonly used sewage treatment method in zui. Using blast aerationand mechanical aeration, a large number of filamentous bacteria andfungi and other microorganisms in sewage are multiplied. Thesemicroorganisms have the ability to absorb and oxidize harmfulsubstances in sewage, thus reducing the col ~, B () D5 of sewageand achieving the purification effect of sewage. Some wastewatertreatment plants adopt both anaerobic and aerobic methods, that is,in the anaerobic process, anaerobic microorganisms are used topropagate, nitrate and adsorb harmful substances in water. Thecharacteristics of hospital sewage such as small quantity of water,large variation of water quantity and quality, high concentrationof suspended solids and bacteria, and subsequent strengthening ofdisinfection treatment process determine that the secondarytreatment process of hospital sewage should meet the requirementsof high load, strong ability to withstand the change of waterquality and quantity, simple operation and stable operation.Generally, small domestic sewage treatment process can be used insecondary treatment of hospital sewage. Li4J, at present, thebetter methods of hospital sewage treatment are HYDROLYSIS-CONTACToxidation process, CASS process and so on. However, it isnoteworthy that the removal rate of nitrogen and phosphorus insewage by ordinary secondary treatment is low. In order to preventeutrophication of water body, it is necessary to treat sewage withnitrogen and phosphorus removal.
Whether it is domestic sewage or hospital sewage, we shouldattach importance to let us act from the side. The principle ofcombining need with possibility, taking full account of localactual conditions and objective conditions, adopting advanced andpractical technology actively and steadily according to localconditions, so as to achieve the anticipated objectives of all theindicators of the project.
III. Design Basis
1. The original design materials provided by Party A;
2. Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic ofChina;
3. The ____________ Municipal Water Pollutant Discharge Standard(DB44/56-2003) Level 1;
4. The first-class standard of "Local Water Pollutant DischargeLimit Value of Guangdong Province" (DB44/26-2001);
5. The first level standard of Comprehensive WastewaterDischarge Standard (GB8978-1996);
6. Outdoor Drainage Design Code GBJ14-87 (1997);
7. Handbook of Drainage Engineering Design;
8. Manual for Budget Estimation and Economic Evaluation of WaterSupply and Drainage Projects.
Anaerobic biochemical + contact oxidation + disinfection processis used in wastewater treatment of this project. It has theadvantages of low capital investment, low operation cost, obvioustreatment effect, can withstand certain impact load of waterquality and quantity, and less excess sludge.
5. The sewage from the engineering design epidemic preventionstation is introduced into the grille tank through the sewage pipe.Two artificial grilles are set up in the grille tank to remove thesuspended substances in the sewage (such as rubber gloves, gauze,cotton swabs and disposable plastic products etc.) so as to preventthe blockage of the pump unit and the subsequent treatmentstructures by larger debris substances. Garbage removed from thegrille pool is treated with medical waste (incineration can beused). After the grid tank, the sewage enters the biologicalregulating tank. The regulating tank is used to adjust theunevenness of sewage discharge. It plays the role of regulatingwater quality, water quantity and acidizing hydrolysis. After theadjustment of homogenization, the sewage is upgraded to theanaerobic tank. A grid is installed between the regulating pool andthe anaerobic pool to remove smaller particles of pollutants. Twosubmersible pumps are installed in the regulating tank to pump thesewage to the anaerobic tank.
The wastewater is digested and hydrolyzed in an anaerobic tank.The anaerobic bacteria decompose the macromolecules into smallmolecules, which is convenient for further decomposition in thebiological contact oxidation tank.
A suspended elastic three-dimensional filler is arranged in thebiological contact oxidation tank to make the aerated sewage flowthrough the filler at a certain flow rate, thus the filler iscovered with biofilm. The sewage and biofilm contact each other,and under the action of biofilm, the sewage is purified. Afteranaerobic tank and aeration tank, the main pollution indicators(such as CODcr, BOD5, etc.) are largely removed. Roots blower isused to aerate the aeration tank, which can also play a stirringrole.
The effluent of biological contact oxidation tank is separatedby sludge from sedimentation tank and disinfected by disinfectiontank to meet the discharge standard. The sludge in thesedimentation tank is discharged to the sludge digestion tank bysludge pump. The disinfection pool is supplied with ClO 2 bychlorine dioxide generator for disinfection (mainly removing E.coli and other bacteria in water).
The excess sludge in this process is pumped to the sludgedigestion tank for digestion, then disinfected. The supernatant isdischarged into the regulating tank. After concentration, thesludge is filtered by a press filter. The filtrate should beregularly cleaned and handled by the social service cleaning team(such as the Environmental Health Bureau), and the filtrate isdischarged into the regulating tank.
2. Process description
A. Grille pool: The grid pool is equipped with grilles in orderto intercept the larger debris and suspended matter in the water,prevent these debris from blocking the pump and affecting the nexttreatment process. Domestic sewage contains a lot of compleximpurities, which has a great impact on the subsequent treatment,so the grid is used as sewage.
The "Rectification and Reform Plan" clearly requires that underthe guidance of Xi Jinping's socialist thought with Chinesecharacteristics in the new era, Xi Jinping's ecologicalcivilization thought should be thoroughly implemented, GeneralSecretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Symposium onpromoting the revitalization of Northeast China and his importantguiding spirit during his inspection of Heilongjiang Provinceshould be fully implemented, and the people-centered developmentthought and "Green Water and Castle Peak are Jinshan and YinshanMountain". Systematic management, overall planning, precise effortsand treatment of both symptoms are also the development concept ofJinshan and Yinshan. With resolute efforts to tackle the keybattles of pollution prevention and control as the basic grasp, weshould concentrate our efforts on the major landmark battles, focuson solving outstanding environmental problems, preventing andcontrolling environmental pollution risks, improving the ruralhuman settlements environment, and improving the ecologicalenvironment quality of Heilongjiang Province in order to achievethe goal of Heilongjiang Province. Comprehensive revitalization andall-round revitalization provide good ecological environmentprotection.
成立日期 | 2018年10月30日 | ||
注册资本 | 1500 | ||
主营产品 | 医疗污水处理设备 小区社区水处理设备 屠宰养殖水处理设备 食品水处理设备 豆制品水处理设备 地埋式一体化水处理设备 洗涤水处理设备 生活水处理设备 | ||
经营范围 | 本公司主要为全国的污水处理厂,大小企业,小区,社区,农村,服务区,医院,乡镇卫生院,卫生服务中心,食品厂,养殖场、屠宰厂、洗衣厂,煤矿等等部门提供污水处理方案及解决办法。公司以“专注环保,用心效劳”为中心价值,公司以优质的产品、完善的售后服务,精益求精、开拓进取的务实精神服务于广大用户,我们愿意真诚对待每一用户,希望经过我们的专业程度和不懈努力,重塑青山绿水。 | ||
公司简介 | 山东乐斌环保科技公司是一家专业从事臭氧发生器、二氧化氯发生器、地地埋式一体化等污水处理设备产品的研制、开发、制造和销售的公司,公司集中了一批优秀的科研技术及管理专业人才,能为客户提供良好的售前、售中及售后服务并能根据用户的用水条件,可代为制定适宜的水处理设备及配备方案,做到经济实用,优质高效。本公司主要为全国的污水处理厂,大小企业,小区,社区,农村,服务区,医院,乡镇卫生院,卫生服务中心,食品厂, ... |
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